In my opinion...

Today will be different, I'll answer controversial questions that are currently serious problems that exist in my country, and some in the world.

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
The Chilean politicians are relatively good, however they have some flaws that, in my opinion shared by all politicians of the world. Some examples are like very high salary, collusion, corruption in the internal tax services, and others things. Also something that happens is that politicians don't work what corresponds to them, well, this is to generalize, there are some who do their job.

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?
About this question, is important to differentiate between a adopted pet and a purchased pet, because usually adopted pet are dogs and cats that aren't of race, unlike purchased pet. With this dimension, in my opinion is better to adopting pets, because they don't have a place to live comfortably and we can give them a better life.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
This is not easy subject to talk, because it is very broad and there are many opinions in favor and against, both scientific and cultural. In my case, I'm agree of legalization because it has many medicinal effects and can be used to treat certain complicated diseases, like Parkinson. Obviously, only some components of the herb are needed, therefore they would have to be extracted to create an efficient drug.

What is your opinion about recycling?
In my opinion, this is the most important question of this blog, because the awareness of recycling is what more people should have at this time. Thousand of tons of garbage are gathering in this minute and it is a lot of time that it takes to degrade, that the environmental impact we generate is too much for our planet. We have to take care of our home. If you want to know more information about this, enter the following link:


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