A post graduate course I might do

Hello again! I've been always asking what will become of me when I graduate from my major, because I've always thought that one must be up-to-date in the field that works. Also, you already know that I'm studying Biochemistry, and in the world which I work I must be update of the recent research and discoveries that have been made in the world.

Currently, I'd like to study a master first, and there are many fields in which one can specialize. Maybe clinical biochemistry or toxicological biochemistry and molecular diagnosis, these are good options. Then I could do a PhD to apply all of my knowledge and conduct to a research. I'd like to study in another country such as Germany or England, so I could mix studies with travel and tourism. To achieve this I have to do a blended course, which allows me to stay in Chile and study a semester abroad. Another thing that one should keep in mind is that a master's degree or a postdoctoral degree specializes in what you will work for. I want to work with the medical research, understand how the diseases are related to Biochemistry and through this find treatments and / or cures for these. 
I'm sure that one day I will achieve what I want and I'll make great discoveries to help human needs.


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