Cell Physiology

Hey!, Today I'll tell you about my favourite subject that I enjoy. Now, I'm studying my second year of university, and I do different kinds of subjects like Organic Chemistry, Statistics, Analytic Chemistry, a lot of laboratories and my favourite, cell physiology. This is the biological study about the principals compounds an activities that take place in a cell to keep it alive.

In my faculty, the molecular processes are important to this subject, because we are chemists. For example the cell metabolism, the transport of substances or movement and functions of proteins.
In the class, we do some metabolic routes to understand how the cell has it's own regulation. This regulation to keep the cell alive it's called Homeostasis. The cell has the wonderful ability to take care of herself and communicate with other cells of the organism to keep it healthy. This is an aspect of thousand that the cells has and I'll dig deeply when take biochemistry later. This is an example of the mechanism of the GPCR protein:

This subject it's my favourite because unfortunately, sometimes our organism or more specific, our cells fail and we may have a pathology. So, it's important to understand the process that are involve and study how we can fix it.


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