My preference about the truth or feeling good

Hi everyone! This post it going to be about what is the best way to talk with a person, saying the truth or just feeling good?. There are some people who hurt them by telling them the truth and others that don't affect them. Also, there are people who like to be told something that make them feel good, and the worst of all, in my view, are that a person doesn't like both.

I think that we have to speak the truth, although it is very difficult. This is because we have to be more realistic with ourselves and we need to know if we are good at something that you like. Always the opinions of others, even if it is a compliment or a criticism, will be useful for us. For example, if someone criticizes about how you dress, doesn't mean that you have to change clothes, but you could take it into account for the next time you buy clothes.

I have to make it clear that this is my opinion about this topic, so if you have a different view or any review leave comments below, see you!


  1. It's a complicated issue, but I think we like it or not it's good to go with the truth, and learn from that, regards :)

  2. It all depends on the way you say the things :o


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