A website to my studies

Hi again! thanks for my followers that read my blogs and welcome to new people. Today, I will tell you about a website related to my major. This website is incredible, all the information is presented in an orderly manner and it's separated into categories, so you can find what you need. The website is a database that advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information and is called National Center for Biotechnology Information or simply NCBI.

The website provides articles for professionals and researchers, in which are papers, abstracts, magazines, classes and more. The best thing of all is that it is updated frequently. I use this site to find information about my major, which I use in my presentations for the college. Generally, I visit the site 2 times a year, and I have had to look for HIV and Cancer information, when I looked for it, more than 3 million results appeared! For this the website has filters with which you can specify your search and find what you need.

The website is amazing to search many things that are interesting, and for me, well, I will always use it for my major and in my opinion, it's the best place to look for information in area of biomedical science. I leave the link:



  1. Very good page, I did not know it existed, sounds interesting, greetings :D

  2. Oh yes, this is one of the best websites to search for information


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