My future job

Hello again! today I'll tell you about my future job. My future job is relative, because I can work in a lab researching about molecular biology, diseases, environment, genetics, and other things. However, all the areas are related to the same major, that it's the Biochemistry.

In the previous blog, I said that why I'm studying this, and I'd like to work with the investigations of diseases. If I can become a biochemical, I'd like to job in a lab with a team and research about diseases that don't have cure and found the best solutions to improve the life of people.

Currently, I think my best job would be in a clinical lab, so it would be indoors, because all the samples must be analyzed inside the lab, and, I have to be careful with the clinical samples. That's the reason why I must work with the indicated security measures.
When I'm go out of the university graduate of Biochemist, I'd like to do a master's degree and travel to another country. Perhaps, I'd travel to United States or Germany, because these countries are the most advanced in scientific research.

When I'm a professional in medicinal biochemistry, I'll be a professor at the University of Chile and I'll have my own lab to work with the latest research and help the knowledge of science. 


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