Why I'm studying Biochemistry?

Welcome everyone! Today, I'd like to tell you why I decided to studied Biochemistry. Well, this carrer is very unusual, because it's not well known. Despite this, all the scientific careers have this as a subject, because it's very important.

For me, it's so special to be studying Biochemistry, because every time that I learn something new, my knowledge of the human life it's growning. And also to learn new techniques for discover new proteins that participate in the celular metabolism and modificate the expression of DNA for create a carcinogenic cell, it sound awesome, isn't it?

This is the reason that Biochemistry is so important, because when you finish this, you're prepared for experiment with living organisms, likes humans, plants, fungus, bacteria, etc. 
For the society, the medicial area it's strong, and currently, theres a lot of research for diseases that hasn't cure. Other area is the fharmaceutical area, and many researchers work to increase the effectiveness of drugs.

Finally, my profession attracted to me because I have a personal goal, and that is to discover many things to help the needs of human beings.


  1. I agree! Biochemist is one of the best fields of science!

  2. Biochemistry seems very difficult but very interesting, a lot of success is a great profession :)


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